Cooperstown Cigar Company

Cultivated in the Dominican, three generations of Cuban instinct, experience and passion is handcrafted into each Cooperstown Cigar. A cigar that delivers unforgettable flavor and aroma; a cigar for celebration and relaxation. Simply put, a cigar for all of life's games.

Boxed Cigars
Cooperstonian Boxed CigarsSeventh Inning Stretch Boxed CigarsThe Grand Slam Boxed Cigars
Stinger Boxed CigarsShort Stop Boxed CigarsDouble Play Boxed Cigars
Stinger Cigar
Bundled CigarsLimited Release CigarsCigar Sampler Packs
Grand Slam Cigar
Cigar AccessoriesCigar GiftsDugout ClubAbout Our CigarsCooperstown Cigar CompanyHandmade Cigars

Cultivated from first generation Cuban seed tobacco in the Dominican Republic and in the same soil and climate conditions as in nearby Cuba. Literally a Cuban Cigar not made in Cuba. Learn about the unique family and partnership behind Cooperstown Cigar Company.

Cooperstown Cigar Company